Training EVERYDAY PEOPLE to Become Advanced Defenders of Life • Call 901-443-5351
Training EVERYDAY PEOPLE to Become Advanced Defenders of Life • Call 901-443-5351
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Are Most Private Security Guards Well-trained? Can You Afford to Hire Them?
Observe & Report. By law, those are the limits of the responsibilities of state licensed security guards, regardless of whether they are armed or unarmed. Armed security guards are armed for their own protection, not the protection of the client that contracted them to Observe & Report. They are armed for personal defense.
Unfortunately, the fact is that the majority of armed security guards are not well-compensated, and therefore cannot afford to pay for high quality firearms and tactical training. And the security companies that they work for won't pay for competent training either. They receive no more training in firearm usage than a person who receives a concealed carry permit. They are trained on the law, and nothing else.
While your company faces threats from disgruntled employees & people with felonious intent, your business is afforded no direct on-site police protection.
If Your Business Can't Afford to Hire Well-Trained Armed Security Who Are Paid well-enough to personally invest in becoming skilled enough to stop the aggressive active shooter, or to be actually willing and able to put their lives on the line to save yours or your employees, then you need to train yourself and your team to become your organization's Active Threat Mitigators.™
A Security "Monitor," and a closed circuit surveillance system, just won't cut it.
If a Disgruntled Parent, or a Terrorist Shows Up to Take the Most Innocent of Lives, Who Will be There to Defend Them?
Sometimes the private disputes between family members, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, and co-parents spill over into public spaces, resulting in legal proceedings, court judgments, heartaches, and financial rulings, and the children get caught in the middle.
On top of that, there are people in the world who want to kill Americans, people who have no compunctions whatsoever about hitting us where we are softest, most vulnerable, least expected, and where it would hurt us the most. Our government goes to great lengths to stop these people before they either reach our shores, or before they can act once they are already within our borders. Our government must be successful 100% of the time at preventing such acts of terror. A terrorist need only succeed once. The FBI and Homeland Security have warned of this type of threat before. And, you must be prepared for it.
While our precious ones are learning the building blocks of knowledge within a daycare center, the police are patrolling miles & minutes away.
If the scope of your childcare operation means that you cannot afford high quality armed security to protect the children and their learning environment, then you need to train yourself, and your team to become your center's defenders, your Active Threat Mitigators.™
When Moments Matter, a 9-1-1 Call just won't cut it.
Who Protects Your Patrons After Your Doorman and Security Have Been Gunned Down at the Door, and the Shooter Has Made Entry?
Everyone knows who the club bouncer at the front door is, including an Active Shooter. The club's armed security guard is highly visible as he's wanding people and checking for weapons. The reality is that when your highly visible security guard and doorman are gunned down at the entrance by a terrorist or a deranged or angry active shooter, the club's "Cooler" and other management staff need to be armed, and trained well-enough to respond quickly, aggressively, and precisely with LETHAL FORCE to stop the threat and the loss of innocent life.
Tragic mass shooting events in recent years have shown that once an active shooter begins his assault in a club or bar, the previously disarmed patrons and concertgoers have no means of self-defense, and very difficult opportunities to escape, while they wait the 4-12 minutes for armed law enforcement agents to arrive and basically, Investigate.
While your patrons laugh, dance, and drink, 9 times out of 10, your venue will be without police protection when terror comes.
If Your venue can't afford to hire layers of Well-Trained, heavily Armed security guards for both inside and outside of the venue, ones who are paid well-enough to personally be able pay to become skilled enough to stop the aggressive, heavily armed active shooter, without hurting patrons and staff, and who are actually willing and able to put their lives on the line to save those lives, you need to train yourself and your team to become your organization's Active Threat Mitigators.™
When the Random Active Shooter Shoots Up Your Store, Will You Rely on the Guard Hired to Prevent Shoplifting to Save Lives? Or, Must You Save Yourself?
In any random week, over 50,000 customers visit an individual Walmart Super-center. Between 15,000-30,000 customers patronize their community Kroger or other grocery store. And, tens of thousands of people visit community malls and shopping centers every day, and weekend.
While we presume that these people will individually be able to protect themselves from people who might attack them, the reality is that the super-majority of them, cannot, or will not, take steps to ensure their own personal defense should they find themselves in the midst of a racially, socially, politically, or terrorist motivated violent attack of some sort on the masses of people in your public shopping space or store. Or they are prohibited from doing so by law, or as the result of the posting of gun free zone signs. These spaces virtually become "Sitting Duck Zones."
While your customers come & go, perusing your wares, the police are miles and minutes away, and your security monitor is ill-equipped skill-wise to mitigate the active shooter in your facility.
If you know that your in-store camera surveillance system won't actually stop an active lethal threat, and you cannot have complete confidence in your loss prevention officer or the store's hired security monitor to be able to get the job done, or keep the active shooter out of your store, and away from your customers and staff, then YOU have to decide train yourself and your team to become your store's Active Threat Mitigators.™
Discrete, Private Threat Mitigation Training for Small Businesses Owners, Management, Key Staff, & Employees. Multi-Group Discounts Are Available. These Training Sessions are by Appointment Only.
This Course is for the Business Owner, Manager, or Staff Member who has little to no experience with handguns, or firearms in general, yet knows that they must learn firearms safety, and obtain fundamental knowledge and skills that they can use to protect themselves, employees, & patrons. Clients will leave with an unshakable foundation in firearms safety, and strong fundamental Handgun Skills to build and drill upon in future sessions.
Group discounts are available. Call or Email us to inquire.
This course is for the Business owner, Manager, or Staff Member who already has familiarity and comfort with the handgun, but who seeks to learn how to safely and effectively protect themselves, employees, & customers in a dynamic environment. Clients will leave with an unshakable foundation in firearms safety, fundamental marksmanship skills, competence in weapons manipulation and tactical reloading, and multiple target engagement.
Group discounts are available. Call or Email us to inquire.
Great for Team building, this Course is for the Business Owner & Staff Member who seeks to acquire remarkable defensive & tactical handgun skills. The course is the equivalent of a Tactical Intensive & consists of a combination of our Brilliant Handgun, Dynamic Handgun, & the Drills from our Aggressive Handgun courses. It is taught to the Tier-1 SF Standard.
Special emphasis on Multiple Target Engagement, DYNAMIC MOVEMENT, Reflexive Fire Threat Stimulus, & Threat neutralization out to 25 yards.
Discrete, Private Threat Mitigation Training Sessions for Small Businesses Owners, Management, Key Staff, & Employees are by Appointment Only.
Your business, hotel, care facility, venue, or store MUST have a plan for stopping the mass killer and active shooter who decides to attack your premises. And, Your firm's leadership must have the mindset to make that happen.
Start developing your plan with our "Guide to Mass-Casualty Attack Prevention & Active Threat Mitigation"
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