Training EVERYDAY PEOPLE to Become Advanced Defenders of Life • Call 901-443-5351
Training EVERYDAY PEOPLE to Become Advanced Defenders of Life • Call 901-443-5351
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Course Details:
This course is limited to female enrollment only, for women, and girls over the age of 12, wishing to obtain greater confidence and proficiency in the handling, carrying, and operation of a pistol. The course will consist of approximately 1.5 hours of classroom instruction on firearm safety, firearm operation, the cognitive aspects of marksmanship, and a number of hands-on dry-fire drills. Classroom instruction is followed by 3.5 hours of range time where students will be walked through a variety of drills designed to build proficiency in safety and application of the fundamentals. The small class with a maximum six to one student to instructor ratio makes it easier for women to discuss concerns about various topics such as hand strength, recoil management, type of handgun, safe carry, and storage of a pistol.
Course Objective: The student will gain a high level of confidence in the safe handling and operation of a pistol
Enabling Objectives:
Prerequisite: None – this is for women and girls who have no experience with firearms.
Range Training schedule:
Show time: Morning Classes: 9:00 am with instruction starting at 9:30 am and ending at 1:30 pm;
Afternoon Classes: 11:30 am, with instruction starting at 12 Noon and ending at 4:00 pm.
Required Gear & Ammo (See course option above):
Additional Required Items (student supplied):
Course includes: 4 hours of instruction (1.5 classroom & 3.5 on the range) and a certificate of completion.
* We recommend you wear comfortable shoes, long pants, and a long sleeve shirt that you don’t mind getting dirty.
An Introduction to The Fundamentals of Gunfighting, Intro to Pistol is a Live Fire Course set at a Crawl, Walk, Run pace, and is conducted almost entirely out of the classroom and on the range.
Our Advanced TN Handgun Permit Training Course is a 24 hour training battery that covers state mandated permit instruction, PLUS provides the student with a much more thorough and fundamentally solid handgun education and a skill-set that lends itself to a more practical and realistic level of safety and defensive prowess.
Live Fire introductory Course for Individuals who do not yet own a rifle, for current rifle owners who either have never taken a formal course, & for those who feel the need for a refresher in basic rifle skills.
Half day of LIVE Fire Drills & Practice designed to give the new shooter more opportunity to perfect the fundamentals learned in the INTRO TO PISTOL, or BRILLIANT PISTOL Courses. Focus on Drawing, Presentation, Target Transitions, & Movement.
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